Botanical Information

Welcome to this eleventh edition of Botany News!


  1. A note from the editor
  2. Plants grown in northern gardens: Maple.
  3. The sweet and sour of Citrus fruit
  4. A special announcement to Icelandic readers
  5. The flower box

A note from the editor

Welcome back to Botany News. Summer is here again! This summer, plan to read a book on gardening or botanise in your neighbourhood or just take a walk in the wild. Bike along country trails, hills and coastal paths. Visit a botanical garden or natural history museum. Prepare a picnic lunch and head for the countryside or your favourite park. Volunteer in land restoration and conservation efforts. Visit flower markets and greenhouses. Join a botanical or horticultural club. Throw a garden party. Photograph wild flowers. Decorate a room with dried or fresh roses and other plants and grow plenty of strawberries and herbs. Have you not subscribed yet to Botany News? Join the club

Plants grown in northern gardens: Maple.

At least three species of Maple are cultivated in gardens as far north as Iceland. These species grow as trees or bushes. The Maples have opposite branches and leaves and separate male and female flowers. Many know the Maples because of their characteristic handshaped five- or three-loped forms and large winged fruit. The overall structure of the trees is also quite typical. Species that can be grown in northern gardens include Norway Maple (Acer platanoides), a low growing tree with a dense crown, Sycamore (A. pseudoplatanus), a tall-growing Maple popular for over a century as a garden tree in Iceland and Field Maple (Acer campestre) that either grows as a bus or a tree.

The sweet and sour of Citrus fruit

Citrus is the genus of oranges, lemons, limes and grape fruits. The Citrus plants and related plants grow wild in Asia, the East Indies, Australia and tropical Africa. The plants are grown as fruit trees and shrubs, producing juicy fruits for human consumption. Citrus plants belong to the family Rutaceae. The fruits develop on Citrus trees, that often carry evergreen and leathery leaves. The fruits have a juicy pulp and a thick peel and are well known for their sweet or sour taste. Citrus plants commonly have white flowers growing in clusters. Among the best known Citrus fruits are Sweet Orange (C. sinensis), Lemon (C. limonia), Grapefruit (C. paradisi) and Lime (C. aurantifolia) and Tangerine (C. reticulata). The fruits are often best enjoyed fresh, while they add flavour to a variety of food products, ranging from sweets and fruit juices to fish and meat dishes. The Citrus fruits are believed to have been imported to Europe in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance period. A large number of hybrids have been breed for human consumption. Citrus plants, such as the Orange plant, are easily grown from seed in warm countries, as well as greenhouses and window sills in colder climate.

A special announcement to Icelandic readers:

- Tilkynning!

Sendið okkur bréf og greinar um gróður til birtingar í næsta hefti Gróðurfrétta (Botany News), þið getið líka skoðað og leitað í fyrri heftum og lesið greinar úr vefritinu. Þá er mögulegt að hafa tengla á ykkar vefsíður í blómakassa (flower box) fréttabréfisins eða á tenglasíðunni. Miðlið af ykkar eigin fróðleik til lesenda Gróðurfrétta um efni eins og jurtir og tré, ræktun plantna og plöntuskoðun. Þá má senda okkur tilkynningar og greinar um fjölbreytt efni tengt náttúru landsins, ferðalögum og garðyrkju. Sendið okkur endilega myndefni til birtingar með greinunum.

Kynnið ykkur möguleikann á að panta Gróðurferðir fyrir klúbbinn, félagið, fjölskylduna eða vinina. Ef til vill sækist þið eftir náttúrlegum gjafavörum og þá má skoða á sölusíðu Þundar, te og jurtavörur frá Þund henta vel til gjafa. Ekki er úr vegi að setjast út í sólina, í garðkrókinn, á pallinn eða á svalirnar með bolla af heilsutei frá Þund! Vinsæla Bláa teið og Yerba mate fást nú aftur og hægt er að panta

tein frá Þund innanlands í póstkröfu.

The flower box

Botany News aims at providing articles of general botanical interest to readers from around the globe. You are welcome to send us a line, e. g., a letter or brief article, related to the general theme of this newsletter. If you like this ezine/newsletter perhaps, you could send your friends the link to subscribe to this online ezine, Botany News! All suggestions for improving this ezine and the website are welcome. Enjoy reading Botany News a growing ezine!

Botany News welcomes communications from persons working on all aspects of botany and biology. We welcome input from persons working in botany, biodiversity and plant conservation around the world. Please, feel free to suggest new links to interesting botanical and green sites for the next Flower Box section. The summer is the best time to participate in nature tours such as the Botanical Tours in Iceland offered by Thund. Contact us about booking one of our Botanical Tours and feel free to ask us to assist you with your travel logistics in Iceland such as reducing costs, e. g. booking affordable accommodation and buying food in shops and restaurants. How to stay healthy, what to eat/drink, how to get medical aid and stay safe in Iceland, how to make the travel less stressful on land or on sea. How to do your shopping for gifts, handicraft, books, woollens, fashion and art items.

I remind readers in Iceland to check out Thund's sales page for fresh herbal and black teas and other botanical products. Why not send us a letter or brief article on plants at this summer. Or send us a review on recent developments in your area of interest and upcoming botanical events. The articles/announcements need be no longer than five lines. We currently accept relevant articles in Icelandic, English and Spanish.

Submit your Botany News article or announcement!


Best wishes,

Soffia Arnthorsdottir

BOTANY NEWS is published by Thund, Reykjavik, Iceland.

June 18, 2009 -- Botany News, Issue #011


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